Travel Guide My Home In Annecy Get to know My Home In Annecy

Useful numbers

Travelling means to give yourself a treat while taking advantage of an excellent stay in a dream destination. However, trouble can occur even on vacation. In order to better help you face up to some problems, we have gathered for you all useful numbers to contact if need be.

Number of the appropriate authorities to inform a theft, an accident, assault or other:

Emergency services : 17

Firefighters: 18

Emergency Medical Technician : 15

The Homeless (reception) : 115

Police station : 04 50 09 47 47

Municipal Police reception : 04 50 33 88 56

Lost properties :  04 50 33 88 55

Police Headquarters - Police Station : 04 50 52 32 00 or 17

Debit cards (loss or theft) : 0836 690 880.

Child loss : 116,000.

Child abuse : 119.

Numbers to contact in case of health or other problems :

Emergency medical services  Annecy 24h / 24h: 3624.

Direct access to the consultation: 08 25 56 74 74 (6 rue Thomas Ruphy).

Urgencies (European appeal) : 112

Numbers to dial for pound problems:

Impound : 04 50 33 88 57

Impounded by the Réda garage (5 rue Césière, 74600 Seynod) reception platform - 04 76 75 64 31

Various numbers :

Weather: 0892 680 274.

SOS Friendship: 04 50 27 70 70.

Victims of violence, accident, theft ... (audience, information and orientation) 0884 284 637. www.victimes.gouv.fr

SOS homophobia 01 48 06 42 41. www.sos-homophobie.org

Administrative numbers:

Insurance Fund Haute-Savoie (CPAM). Due to works, the reception of the CPAM Annecy is transferred from Friday, July 21 to November 30, 2017 at 10 avenue Lucien Boschetti.

See patients by appointment only. You can make an appointment by phone at 36 46 (service 0.06 € / min + price of the call) or via your account on ameli.fr

CPAM examines applications for Universal Health Coverage for people in precarious situations.

Departmental Direction of Sanitary and Social Affairs (DDASS)

Cité administrative, 7 rue Dupanloup, tel: 04 50 88 41 11

Departmental Council of Haute-Savoie, Department of health actions, 26 avenue de Chevêne, tel: 04 50 33 22 93 www.hautesavoie.fr

Caisse des Allocations Familiales (CAF), Social Services and Benefits, 2 rue Emile Romanet, tel: 0810 25 74 10 (price of a local call from a landline) www.annecy.caf.fr

Departmental Directorate of Judicial Protection of Youth, 1 alley of Willows - La Mandallaz, tel: 04 50 45 35 21

Educational Action Center, 8 bis rue de Rumilly, tel: 04 50 45 32 53

Departmental House for the Disabled 74 (MDPH74), 26 avenue de Chevêne, tel: 04 50 33 22 50, www.mdph74.fr

Number of public health care facilities:

General Hospital in  Annecy Genevois (CHANGE), 1 avenue of the hospital - Metz-Tessy - BP 90 074 - 74374 Pringy Cedex, tel: 04 50 63 63 63, www.ch-annecygenevois.fr.

CeGIDD (Free Information Center for Screening and Diagnosis), tel

HIV testing - Hepatitis - Syphilis

STI Screening (Sexually Transmitted Infections)

Family Planning and Education Center, tel:

Service addictology (alcohol-tobacco), tel

House of users at CHANGE, 1 avenue of the hospital - Metz-Tessy - BP 90 074 - 74374 Pringy Cedex (level 4, main entrance hall), tel: 04 50 63 65 02

General Clinic, 4 chemin la Tour la Reine, tel: 0 826 888 888, www.clinique-generale.net

French Blood Establishment Haute-Savoie (EFS), Blood Transfusion La Ravoire - 74 370 Metz-tessy, tel: 04 50 66 96 96, www.rhonealpes.dondusang.net

Anti-poison centers, Lyon tel: 04 72 11 69 11

Nurses, ODILAA - Association of the liberal nurses 24/24, tel: 06 09 42 90 12

Childhood abused, tel: 119 or 0 800 05 41 41

Pedagogical psycho-pedagogical center (CMPP) Alfred Binet, 4 rue du Mont-Blanc - 74 000 Annecy, tel: 04 50 23 75 83

"Be careful during your holidays"
